Touch Encoder Help

GUIDE Visual Elements


A static string of letters, numbers, punctuation, and special characters. Once the size, font, color, and location are set in GUIDE this label can only be changed from GUIDE. There is no runtime control of this visual element.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Font

    • Only the 9 fonts included in GUIDE are currently available

  • Font Size

  • Font Color

  • Text

    • This is the static text to be displayed, if the desired label is "Screen #1", then "Screen #1" should be typed into this box

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element can be used to communicate the use of a screen, such as "INFO" or "FAULTS". In the image below, Labels are being used for all four(4) instances of the word "Fault" and for "PT Err Code-". These labels do not change at runtime and are always these values.

Label Example.png


Any keyboard character can be used inside the Label visual element. The only limitation is the width of the screen relative to font size. Once a line of text exceeds the width of the viewable area it will no longer be displayed. This tool displays a single line of text. Currently, text wrapping and text justification are not supported.

Numeric Value

A numeric value tied to a Value ID that can be changed at runtime. Once the size, font, color, and location are set in GUIDE they can only be changed from GUIDE. Only the value of the number itself can be changed at runtime.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Font

    • Only the 9 fonts included in GUIDE are currently available

  • Font Size

  • Prefix/Suffix

    • This is a static Prefix, Suffix, or both with the same font, color, and size characteristics as the base visual element

  • Font Color

  • Decimal point

    • Manipulates where the decimal is displayed in the visual element. "Default" will show a value of "12" as "12". "1 Left" will show the value as "1.2" and "1 Right" will show the value as "120"

    • Options available are: 4 Left, 3 Left, 2 Left, 1 Left, Default, 1 Right, 2 Right, 3 Right, 4 Right

  • Values

    • These are the properties of the visual element.

      • Max/Min: Set the Maximum and Minimum allowable values. The device will not display values below the min or above the max.

      • Default: Value of the visual element at power-up prior to any input

      • Step: The incremental change to the visual element caused by an encoder event. A CAN or USB command can still be used to set the value to anything between the Max and Min properties.

  • Value ID

    • Sets the Value ID assigned to the visual element. See the communication protocol documentation for how to use this value to SET and GET values for the visual element

  • Controlled by

    • Specifies if the visual element is controlled by the encoder

    • GUIDE can only set one value ID to be controlled by the encoder by default. If the current visual element is set to listen to the encoder-controlled value ID then the word "Encoder" will appear here. Otherwise "Host" will appear. Multiple visual elements can be set to listen to the same value ID.

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element can be used to communicate any numerical value, such as temperature, pressure, speed, level, version, or selection. In the image below, the numerical value visual element was used to display "72". Per the project file, this value can be any value including and between 0 and 100 and can be changed in step sizes or 1 by turning the encoder (clockwise-> increase, counter-clockwise -> decrease). The visual element can also be changed via CAN or USB command by targeting the relevant value ID.

Numeric Value Example.png


This visual element displays a 2-byte signed integer value, which provides a total range of -32,767 to 32,766. Using the decimal point property the displayed value can be larger or smaller. Once set in the project file the Font, Size, Position, Prefix/Suffix, Decimal point, Max/Min, and Value ID properties can only be changed in GUIDE and cannot be changed at runtime.

Text box

A dynamic string of letters, numbers, punctuation, and special characters. Once the size, font, color, and location are set in GUIDE these properties can only be changed from GUIDE. At runtime, only the content of the Text box can be changed, not its properties.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Text

    • This is the default text to be displayed at power-up prior to any external input

  • Font

    • Only the 9 fonts included in GUIDE are currently available

  • Font Size

  • Font Color

  • Value ID

    • Sets the Value ID assigned to the visual element. See the communication protocol documentation for how to use this value to SET and GET values for the visual element

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element can be used to communicate any text string. Some common uses are to show error/fault codes and to consolidate screens. In the example below, "Dynamic Text" can be changed at runtime by a CAN or USB command to show any text string, see the communication protocol documents for details. This visual element can be used to make a single screen and numerical value control or report on multiple system-level variables such as actual and set temperatures, speed of multiple tools (tool 1, tool 2, etc.), or volumes on multiple audio channels.

Text box Example.png


Any UTF-8 2-byte character can be used inside this visual element. The only limitation is the width of the screen relative to font size. Once a line of text exceeds the width of the viewable area it will no longer be displayed. This tool displays a single line of text. Currently, text wrapping and text justification are not supported. Justification can be accomplished with the use of the space (" ") character 0x20 (dec 32). To achieve multiple lines of text, multiple visual elements need to be used.


An image on the screen that does not change with user interactions and/or CAN/USB commands.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Size of the image

    • The image will not stretch to fit the size provided here, a square image will always be a square, and it'll scale down to match the limiting dimension (width or height)

  • Padding

    • The number of pixels along the perimeter between the bounding box and the image

  • File

    • Browse for image files

  • Color

    • If the selected image is mono-color, its color can be changed

  • Fill Background Color

    • Fills the empty/transparent portions of the visual element with a solid color

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element is used to show a static image. Common uses are to communicate the function of a screen in addition to or instead of words, a gear image for a settings screen, or a fan image for fan speed control.

Image Example.png


Image file types support are .jpeg and .png, input files should be a minimum of 640px by 640px so that resolution is not lost when scaled. This visual element is static and can not be changed at runtime, only from GUIDE.


A button that combines the functionality of an image and a touch zone. This visual element has built-in properties to simplify the customization of the GUI.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Size

  • Padding

    • The number of pixels along the perimeter between the bounding box and the image

  • Fill color

    • The empty/transparent portions of the visual element will be filled with a solid color

  • Border color

    • Set the outline/border color of the visual element

  • Border Width

    • Sets the thickness/width of the outline/border, which can be set to "0" for no border

  • Border Corner radius

    • Adds rounds to the sharp corners of the rectangular visual element. Setting this to half of the button height will add full rounds (pill shape) to the visual element

  • File

    • Browse for image files

  • Color

    • If the selected image is mono-color, its color can be changed

  • On-tap action

    • Defines what will happen when this visual element is tapped

      • None: Do nothing

      • Move to: Navigate to another screen

      • Go to home: Navigate to the screen that is currently defined as "Home"

      • Set value: Set a value ID to a specific value

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element is used to navigate to another screen or modify an existing value ID. In the example shown below, the button reports that the visual element was tapped so that the Host can turn ON or OFF the temperature control.

Button Example.png


Image file types support are .jpeg and .png, input files should be a minimum of 640px by 640px so that resolution is not lost when scaled. This visual element is static and can not be changed at runtime, only from GUIDE.

Bar Graph

A rectangular or pill shape with a filled-in section that can be adjusted according to a numerical value related to a value ID.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Style

    • Select one of the built-in visual element styles. Graph 1 is pill-shaped, and Graph 8 is rectangular.

  • Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Size

  • Padding

    • The number of pixels along the perimeter between the bounding box and the filled section

  • Fill color

  • Values

    • These are the properties of the visual element.

      • Max/Min: Set the Maximum and Minimum allowable values. The device will not display values below the min or above the max.

      • Default: Value of the visual element at power-up prior to any input

      • Step: The incremental change to the visual element caused by an encoder event. A CAN or USB command can still be used to set the value to anything between the Max and Min properties.

  • Value ID

    • Sets the Value ID assigned to the visual element. See the communication protocol documentation for how to use this value to SET and GET values for the visual element

  • Controlled by

    • Specifies if the visual element is controlled by the encoder

    • GUIDE can only set one value ID to be controlled by the encoder by default. If the current visual element is set to listen to the encoder-controlled value ID then the word "Encoder" will appear here. Otherwise "Host" will appear. Multiple visual elements can be set to listen to the same value ID.

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element can be used to communicate any numerical value, such as temperature, pressure, speed, or level graphically. In the image below, the visual element was used to graphically display "72" in addition to the numerical value. Per the project file, this value can be any value including and between 0 and 100 and can be changed in step sizes of 1 by turning the encoder (clockwise-> increase, counter-clockwise -> decrease). The visual element can also be changed via CAN or USB command by targeting the relevant value ID.

Bar Graph Example.png


This visual element displays a numerical value as a percentage of the specified range (max-min). This visual element is controlled by a 2-byte signed integer, which provides a total possible range of -32,767 to 32,766. If the visual element has a range from 0-100 and the controlling value ID is set to 75, the visual element will be 75% filled. Once set in the project file the Style, Size, Position, Padding, Fill color, Max/Min, Default, Step, and Value ID properties can only be changed in GUIDE and cannot be changed at runtime. To ensure the expected behavior, do not overlap this visual element with the Lighted Icon or Ring Gauge visual elements.

Ring Gauge

An arc shape with a filled-in section that can be adjusted according to a numerical value related to a value ID.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Style Start Angle

    • Define where the arc should start. This value is in degrees and has a range of 0-360. Zero (0) degrees is located where East would be on a compass or "3" on a clock face. In the example below this is set to 180.

  • Sweep

    • The length/sweep of the arc. This value is in degrees and has a range of 1-360. In the example below this value is set to 180, and sweeps around half of the screen.

  • Cursor visibility

    • Toggle the visibility of the cursor ON or OFF

  • Cursor

    • Defines the diameter of the cursor in pixels

  • Thickness

    • Defines the thickness of the arc in pixels

  • Radius

    • Defines the radius of the arc measured from the center of the display to the midpoint of the arc thickness. To have the outside edge of the arc coincide with the outermost edge of the 320*300 display, the radius + 1/2 the thickness should equal 160. In the example below the radius is 150 and thickness is 20.

  • Rounded corner

    • Toggle rounded corners ON or OFF. In the example below the corners are ON.

  • Colors Ring

    • Defines the solid color of the arc that is not filled

  • Colors Track

    • Defines the solid or gradient color of the arc that is filled. A gradient will be automatically generated from the colors selected. Add colors as needed and delete all but one color to have a solid fill.

  • Colors Cursor

    • Defines the color of the cursor

  • Values

    • These are the properties of the visual element.

      • Max/Min: Set the Maximum and Minimum allowable values. The device will not display values below the min or above the max.

      • Default: Value of the visual element at power-up prior to any input

      • Step: The incremental change to the visual element caused by an encoder event. A CAN or USB command can still be used to set the value to anything between the Max and Min properties.

  • Value ID

    • Sets the Value ID assigned to the visual element. See the communication protocol documentation for how to use this value to SET and GET values for the visual element

  • Controlled by

    • Specifies if the visual element is controlled by the encoder

    • GUIDE can only set one value ID to be controlled by the encoder by default. If the current visual element is set to listen to the encoder-controlled value ID then the word "Encoder" will appear here. Otherwise "Host" will appear. Multiple visual elements can be set to listen to the same value ID.

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element can be used to communicate any numerical value, such as temperature, pressure, speed, or level graphically. In the image below, the visual element was used to graphically display "72" in addition to the numerical value. Per the project file, this value can be any value including and between 0 and 100 and can be changed in step sizes of 1 by turning the encoder (clockwise-> increase, counter-clockwise -> decrease). The visual element can also be changed via CAN or USB command by targeting the relevant value ID.

Ring Gauge Example.png


This visual element displays a numerical value as a percentage of the specified range (max-min). This visual element is controlled by a 2-byte signed integer, which provides a total possible range of -32,767 to 32,766. If the visual element has a range from 0-100 and the controlling value ID is set to 75, the visual element will be 75% filled. Once set in the project file the Style, Position, Track Color, Ring Color, Max/Min, Default, Step, and Value ID properties can only be changed in GUIDE and cannot be changed at runtime. To ensure the expected behavior, do not overlap this visual element with the Lighted Icon or Bar Graph visual elements. Graphic design files specifications:

Dynamic Images

Displays one (1) image out of a group of images displayed in the same bounding box (size and position) based on the value of the associated value ID.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Image Set

    • Defines the group of images to be used. Can also change the color of mono-color images.

  • Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Size

    • All images of the group will scale to fit into a bounding box with the size defined here

  • Value ID

    • Sets the Value ID assigned to the visual element. See the communication protocol documentation for how to use this value to SET and GET values for the visual element

  • Values

    • These are the properties of the visual element.

      • Max/Min: Set the Maximum and Minimum allowable values. The device will not display values below the min or above the max.

      • Default: Value of the visual element at power-up prior to any input

      • Step: The incremental change to the visual element caused by an encoder event. A CAN or USB command can still be used to set the value to anything between the Max and Min properties.

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element can be used to display one out of a group of images. In the image below, the dynamic images visual element was used to display the "auto-fan" image by default, but could be controlled to show a red "heating fan" icon or a blue "cooling fan" icon. Per the project file, the dynamic image visual element has all three (3) of these images available and will show the relevant image based on the value of the controlling value ID. This value ID, and thus which images to show, can be controlled with user input or via CAN or USB commands.

Value ID = 0x00

Value ID = 0x02

Dynamic Images Example.png
Dynamic Images Example1.png


This visual element displays an image based on the value of a value ID. The images used should be at least 640px by 640px to ensure no loss of resolution when scaled. All images in the group should also be the same size so they are all scaled the same way and appear as expected. Once set in the project file the images in the group, Position, Size, Min/Max, Default, and Step can only be changed from GUIDE, they cannot be changed at runtime.

Radio Group

Controls multiple bounding boxes that hold images. Each bounding box can only have two(2) images or the same images in different colors.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Value ID

    • Sets the Value ID assigned to the visual element. See the communication protocol documentation for how to use this value to SET and GET values for the visual element

  • Multiselection

    • Toggles multiselection ON or OFF. If ON, multiple images can be active at the same time. If OFF, only one(1) image can be active at a time.

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon

  • Image: Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Image: Active

    • Select the image and image color to be used when this visual element is set to Active

  • Image: Inactive

    • Select the image and image color to be used when this visual element is set to Inactive Image: Active

    • Sets the default stat of the current image, Active or Inactive

  • Image: Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Image: Size of the image

    • The image will not stretch to fit the size provided here, a square image will always be a square, and it'll scale down to match the limiting dimension (width or height)

  • Image: Padding

    • The number of pixels along the perimeter between the bounding box and the image

  • Image: Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element can be used to toggle the state of a number on images between Active and Inactive. In the example below, this visual element is used to control the appearance of three(3) images. While inactive each image is gray, when active they have a solid color (black, red, blue). The state of all three(3) images is controlled by a sinlge value ID.

Value ID = 0x00

Value ID = 0x01

Value = 0x02

RG Example1.png
RG Example2.png
RG Example3.png

With Multiselect OFF, if this visual element has 3 bounding boxes then it has a total of 3 states.

  • State 1: Image 1 Active, 2/3 Inactive

  • State 2: Image 2 Active, 1/3 Inactive

  • State 3: Image 3 Active, 1/2 Inactive

Value ID = 0x00

Value ID = 0x01

Value = 0x03

RG Example4.png
RG Example1.png
RG Example5.png

With Multiselect ON, if this visual element has 3 bounding boxes then it has a total of 8 states.

  • State 1: None Active, 1/2/3 Inactive

    • value ID = 0 0 0 0 -> 0x00

  • State 2: 1 Active, 2/3 Inactive

    • value ID = 0 0 0 1 -> 0x01

  • State 3: 2 Active, 1/3 Inactive

    • value ID = 0 0 1 0 -> 0x02

  • State 4: 1/2 Active, 3 Inactive

    • value ID = 0 0 1 1 -> 0x03

  • State 5: 3 Active, 1/2 Inactive

    • value ID = 0 1 0 0 -> 0x04

  • State 6: 1/3 Active, 2 Inactive

    • value ID = 0 1 0 1 -> 0x05

  • State 7: 2/3 Active, 1 Inactive

    • value ID = 0 1 1 0 -> 0x06

  • State 8: 1/2/3 Active, None Inactive

    • value ID = 0 1 1 1 -> 0x07


This visual element displays a group of images all at once and each image can have two(states) Active and Inactive. How each image appears in each state is defined by project file created in GUIDE. The images used should be at least 640px by 640px to ensure no loss of resolution when scaled, be mono-color, and have transparent backgrounds. All images in the group should also be the same size so they are all scaled the same way and appear as expected. Once set in the project file the images in the group, Position, Size, Color, Default status can only be changed from GUIDE, they cannot be changed at runtime.

Arranges a set of images into a menu structure. By incrementing or decrementing the controlling value ID the menu items cycle through in the project defined order.


  • Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Value ID

    • Sets the Value ID assigned to the visual element. See the communication protocol documentation for how to use this value to SET and GET values for the visual element

  • Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon

  • Item: Modify the internal GUIDE name of the visual element

  • Item: Image

    • Select the image and image color

  • Image: Adjust the position of the visual element using (x,y) coordinates

    • Within the GUI the visual element's position can be changed by dragging with the mouse or modifying the (x,y) values

  • Image: Size of the image

    • The image will not stretch to fit the size provided here, a square image will always be a square, and it'll scale down to match the limiting dimension (width or height)

  • Image: Padding

    • The number of pixels along the perimeter between the bounding shape and the image

  • Fill Background

    • Specify the color to fill all transparent portions of the image

  • On tap action

    • Define what happens when the visual element is tapped when the current item is in position #1

  • Image: Event Notifications

    • Coming Soon


This visual element can be used to build a simple navigation menu where each image navigates to a specified screen when tapped, or can be used to select from a group of presets. In the example below, the menu visual element is used to store three (3) preset values for the set temperature. In GUIDE, each item is assigned to change the set temperature to a static value [hot - 90, cold - 10, auto - 50] when tapped and in the first position (larger icon). The encoder is used to switch between the icon in the first position.

"Cold" Icon tapped and in position 1

"Auto" Icon tapped and in position 1

Menu Example1.png
Menu Example2.png


The images used should be at least 640px by 640px to ensure no loss of resolution when scaled and have transparent backgrounds. All images in the group should also be the same size so they are all scaled the same way and appear as expected. Once set in the project file the images in the group, Position, Size, Default, and SColors can only be changed from GUIDE, they cannot be changed at runtime.

Last modified: 12 January 2024