Touch Encoder Help

GUIDE Features

The sections below discuss the features available within GUIDE. GUIDE is Grayhill's PC-based development environment for the Touch Encoder (TE) product line. It can be used to create Projects for use on TE's as well as update a device's Firmware or Project, assuming the device is running firmware v3.5.2.p10 or later. See the links for identifying a device and updating over CAN or USB if needed.

Home Screen

The Home Screen is the base screen that displays when GUIDE is opened.


This tab is selected by default and will display the Projects that have been created or opened. Selecting any of these Projects will open the editing screen where modifications can be made. These Project files are backed up to a cloud server for Premium users with an account, otherwise these are only stored on the local machine.


Selecting this tab will display the available prebuilt Projects that are provided by Grayhill. Selecting any of these Projects will create a new Project based on the selected template.

There is a Filter available to help organize and find existing Projects. By default, this is set to "Last update" which sets the most recently saved Project to the upper left-hand corner. Available filter options are:

  1. Last update: Places the most recently saved file to the upper left

  2. Name: Organizes the available Projects in alphabetical order, with "A" in the upper left-hand corner. Projects whose names start with numbers will be placed ahead of "A" and start with zero("0").

The Search Bar returns Projects with names that contain the contents of the Search Bar field. No wild card characters or other advanced search tools are available. GUIDE simply returns all Projects with names that contain the string currently in the field. For example:

  • The Home Screen contains the 3 Projects below

    • Test1

    • Settings1

    • 0_Control

  • Typing "s" in the Search Bar would return:

    • Test1

    • Settings1

  • Typing "st" in the Search Bar would return:

    • Test 1

Upload to device

This feature updates a connected TE device. Clicking this button will open a file browser window in order to select the file to be updated. Using this feature a Firmware file, GUIDE Project file, or iPad Project file (TE-MX) can be selected (.zip or .tepkg). See the links below for more information about updating TE devices


When clicked, this button will display the current version of GUIDE being used. Updates will be made on a recurring basis as Grayhill makes improvements and adds functionality. The latest version will always be available for download.

Log in

This is how the Premium Version of GUIDE is activated. Once clicked, GUIDE will ask for an email and password. Once logged in the account will be granted access to the full suite of Premium GUIDE features. See Gaining Access to GUIDE to learn more.

Create New

Clicking this button begins the Project creation process from a blank template, with no screens to start with. GUIDE will ask for a project name, and once provided will move to the editing screen.

Open File

Clicking this button opens a file browser window in order to select GUIDE Project(Save As) files (.zip). Only GUIDE Project(Save As) files can be opened and imported this way. See File Types for more information.


These are the existing Project files. Clicking on any of these will open them in the editing screen. On each Project there is a 3-dot icon in the bottom right and clicking on this icon will give the options below:

  1. Duplicate: Creates a duplicate Project

  2. Delete: Deletes the Project and will no longer be shown on the Home Screen

Editing Screen

After a new Project is created or an existing Project is selected GUIDE will show the Editing Screen. Here is where screens can be created, visual elements added, actions assigned, and where Projects can be saved, exported, and updated.


Clicking this will transition back to the Home Screen.


This button saves the current Project's app data to the local App Data folder. The information saved by the feature is only usable by the GUIDE application and can not be used for sharing or uploading to a TE device.

Save as

This button creates a GUIDE Project(Save As) file and opens the rename dialog window, this is where the desired save location can be selected and given a new file name if needed.


This feature allows for the current Project to be simulated on the PC. Clicking on "Close preview" will close this screen and return it to the Editing Screen.



Touch Screen



Single Finger Tap


Left-Click and drag in the required direction

Swipe in the required direction

Encoder Turn

Left-Click and drag in a circle around the TE image

Single Finger Tap and drag in a circle around the TE image

Export for device

This button creates a GUIDE Project(Export)file and opens the rename dialog window, this is where the desired save location can be selected and given a new file name if needed.


This button will upload the connected TE device with the current Project. See the links below for more information about updating TE devices

Generate Docs

This button will generate the documentation for the current Project and opens the rename dialog window, this is where the desired save location can be selected and given a new file name if needed. See Project Documentation for more information.


Same as the Info icon located on the Home Screen.

Log in

Same as the Login button located on the Home Screen.

Screens Toolbar

The Screens Toolbar is located on the left-hand side of the Editing Screen. This toolbar is how screens can be added, deleted, and managed as needed.

Add Screen(+)

Clicking the "+" sign to the right of the word "Screens" in the Screens Toolbar will add a screen to the Project. The screen added can be completely empty or be one of the Grayhill-provided standard widgets. An empty widget will only contain a background Visual Element to start. Any available Visual Element can be added or deleted from a standard widget, these are just starting points, but can still be modified per the tools available by the license (Base or Premium) being used.

Screen Select

Once a Screen is present in the Screens Toolbar it can be selected individually. Once selected the Screen Options Toolbar will open on the right-hand side of the window.

Additional Options

The Additional Options button is shown as 3 vertically stacked dots on the right-hand side of the Toolbar when a Screen is selected. Clicking on this icon provides the options below:

  • Set Home: Specifies the current screen as the Home Screen. Only one Screen can be the Home Screen for a Project. Clicking "Set Home" will set the current Screen as the Home Screen and override the previous Home Screen.

  • Replace: Switches the location of the selected Screen with the specified Screen. This only impacts the way the Screens are ordered in the Screens Toolbar. It does not change its name or function in any way.

  • Move up: Moves the currently selected Screen up in the list in the Screens Toolbar. This only impacts the way the Screens are ordered in the Toolbar. It does not change its name or function in any way.

  • Move down: Moves the currently selected Screen down in the list in the Screens Toolbar. This only impacts the way the Screens are ordered in the Toolbar. It does not change its name or function in any way.

  • Duplicate: Creates a duplicate of the selected screen at the bottom of the list. This duplicate will have the identical function to the original, except for "Home Screen". If the current Home Screen is duplicated the copy created will not be the Home Screen.

  • Delete: Deletes the selected Screen

  • Export: Exports the selected Screen as a .zip file. This Export could function as a stand-alone one-screen Project, or be imported into another Project at a later date.

Screen Contents

Selecting a Screen will show the current contents of the selected screen including all Touch Zones and Visual Elements.

Screen Options Toolbar

This toolbar contains the currently selected Screens information and allows for modification at the screen level.

  • Screen ID: This is the Screen ID assigned automatically by GUIDE and cannot be changed. This information is important for sending information to the TE and interpreting information coming from the TE.

  • Screen name: This is the exposed name of the current Screen. Typically, a simple, one-word, description of the Screen's function, "Menu", "Temperature", "Information", etc. This name will replace the default name given in the "Screens Toolbar" and appear in the documentation generated by "Generate docs".

  • Encoder controlled: This defines the function of the encoder knob while on this Screen. Could be set to

    • None: Rotating the encoder will only send out an Event Notification per the USB or CAN communication protocol.

    • Navigation: Rotating the encoder will change the Screen shown to another available Screen. Once selected 2 new dotted circles will appear in the workspace. Clicking on either of these will open the "Actions" menu where an action can be defined.

      • None: Rotating the encoder will only send out an Event Notification per the USB or CAN communication protocol.

      • Move to: Rotating the encoder will change the current Screen shown to the Screen specified.

      • Got to home: Rotating the encoder will change the current Screen shown to the defined Home screen. The Home screen will be noted by a small house icon in the Screens Toolbar.

      • Set value: Rotating the encoder will change the specified Value ID on the current Screen to the specified static value.

    • Value ID: Rotating the encoder will modify the Value ID specified on the current Screen. Clockwise rotation will increase the value and counter-clockwise will decrease the value. Once the max value is reached, further clockwise rotation will result in no change. Once the minimum value is reached, further counter-clockwise rotation will result in no change. The step size of the change and the max/min limits are set by the specific Value ID Options. Rotation of the encoder will always result in an Event Notification, regardless of Value ID limits. The drop-down list will show all available Value IDs that can be controlled with the encoder.

  • Home button action: Defines what happens when the home button is tapped on the front lens.

    • None: Tapping the Home button will only send out an Event Notification per the USB or CAN communication protocol.

    • Move to: Tapping the Home button will change the current Screen shown to the Screen specified.

    • Go to Home: Tapping the Home button will change the current Screen shown to the defined Home screen. The Home screen will be noted by a small house icon in the Screens Toolbar.

    • Set value: Tapping the Home button will change the specified Value ID on the current Screen to the specified static value.

  • Home screen: Specifies if the current screen is the Home Screen, or not. Only one Screen can be the Home Screen for a Project. Clicking "Set as Home" will set the current Screen as the Home Screen and override the previous Home Screen.

Touch Zones

Clicking on "Touch Zones" will expand or collapse the Touch Zone menu. From this menu, touch zones can be added, deleted, or modified.

  • Add Touch Zone: Click on the "+" sign to the right of the toolbar to add a new Touch Zone. Touch Zones can not overlap, so the newly created touch zone will be created in an area where no current touch zones exist.

  • Edit Touch Zone: Clicking on an existing Touch Zone from the list will open the "Options" menu on the right-hand side of the screen.

    • Name: This is the exposed name of the current Touch Zone. Typically a simple, one-word, description of the zone's function, "change", "increase", "move", etc. This name will replace the default name given in the "Screens Toolbar" and appear in the documentation generated by "Generate docs".

    • Position: Defines the position of the upper left-hand corner of the rectangular touch zone in pixels from the theoretical upper left-hand corner of the screen. For example, the 1.3" TE-M product has a 320 by 320 pixel round display. A position of X:0 and Y:0 is technically off the screen and can not be seen because the zero point is the upper left-hand corner of the square that contains the circular display. The position can be modified by typing in X and Y coordinates, nudging 1 pixel at a time with the 4 arrow buttons, or dragging with a left click.

    • Size: Defines the size of the rectangular touch zone in pixels.

    • On tap action: Defines what happens when the tap zone is tapped.

      • None: Tapping the Touch Zone will only send out an Event Notification per the USB or CAN communication protocol.

      • Move to: Tapping the Touch Zone will change the current Screen shown to the Screen specified.

      • Go to home: Tapping the Touch Zone will change the current Screen shown to the defined Home screen. The Home screen will be noted by a small house icon in the Screens Toolbar.

      • Set value: Tapping the Touch Zone will change the specified Value ID on the current Screen to the specified static value.

    • Delete: Deletes the selected Touch Zone.

Visual Elements

Clicking on "Visual Elements" will expand or collapse the Visual Element menu. From this menu, visual elements can be added, deleted, or modified.

  • Add Visual Element: Click on the "+" sign to the right of the toolbar to add a new Visual Element. Which Visual Elements available will vary based on the version of GUIDE being used (Base vs Premium.

    • Click here for a complete list of Visual Elements.

  • Edit Visual Element: Clicking on an existing Visual Element from the list will open the "Options" menu on the right-hand side of the screen. Each Visual Element will have different options available in the "Options" toolbar. All of them will have the options below but see Visual Elements for more complete information on each Visual Element.

    • Name: This is the exposed name of the current Visual Element. Typically, a simple, one-word, description of the element's function, "Header", "Options", "Icon", etc. This name will replace the default name given in the " Screens Toolbar" and appear in the documentation generated by "Generate docs".

    • Position: Defines the position of the upper left-hand corner of the rectangular touch zone in pixels from the theoretical upper left-hand corner of the screen. For example, the 1.3" TE-M product has a 320 by 320 pixel round display. A position of X:0 and Y:0 is technically off the screen and can not be seen because the zero point is the upper left-hand corner of the square that contains the circular display. The position can be modified by typing in X and Y coordinates, nudging 1 pixel at a time with the 4 arrow buttons, or dragging with a left click.

    • Delete: Deletes the selected Visual Element.


The Workspace shows the graphical representation of all of the active Visual Elements and Touch Zones (only if at least one Touch Zone is selected).

Last modified: 21 May 2024