Touch Encoder Help

File Types

There are a variety of file types that have been used with the Touch Encoder (TE) product line since its initial launch. Over time Grayhill has needed to introduce new types and obsolete others. This document briefly describes each file type that can be encountered during use.

Grayhill refers to the combination of bootloader and firmware files discussed below as the "firmware" since a TE device's bootloader and firmware should never be updated alone, an update must consist of updating the bootloader and firmware. Whenever Grayhill refers to firmware in other documentation or firmware is downloaded from a Grayhill-controlled site, both firmware and bootloader files are provided, and for brevity, Grayhill refers to the collection of files as the Firmware.


The bootloader is composed of 2 files with unique file types, .tebl and .tebl.manifest. Prior to v3.5.2.p10 the bootloader needed to be updated independently of the firmware. However, in all current and future software releases the bootloader files are now packaged with the firmware files. While these files still exist they are no longer visible to TE customers. It is critical that the bootloader version stays in sync with the firmware version, this is why Grayhill began packaging these files together.


The firmware is composed of 2 files with unique file types, .tefw and .tefw.manifest. Prior to v3.5.2.p10 the firmware needed to be updated independently of the bootloader. However, in all current and future software released the firmware files are now packaged with the bootloader files. While these files still exist they are no longer visible to TE customers. It is critical that the firmware version stays in sync with the bootloader version, this is why Grayhill began packaging these files together.

TE Package (.tepkg)

Firmware versions after v3.5.2.p10 are distributed by Grayhill as a TE Package file (.tepkg). This file type contains all the bootloader and firmware files needed to successfully update a TE device. Starting with v3.5.2.p10 TEs can read the .tepkg file type and update accordingly. This file type can be used to update TE devices over flash drives or Live Update tools, such as GUIDE.

iPad Projects

Project files created using iPad App (TE-MX) will be exported as .zip files and contain all the images and directions specified in the project creation process on the iPad. This file type can be used to update TE devices over flash drives or Live Update tools, such as GUIDE. When loaded onto a TE device, Projects created in TE-MX will always operate under the legacy communication, USB or CAN protocol. These files will run on any version of firmware, but can not be opened with the new PC tool (GUIDE).

GUIDE Projects (Export)

Project files created using GUIDE's "Export for device" button will be exported as "" and contain all the images and directions specified in the project creation process in GUIDE. Where "name" is the name provided within GUIDE. This file type can be used to update TE devices over flash drives, if allowed, or Live Update tools such as GUIDE. When loaded onto a TE device, Projects created in GUIDE will always operate under the active communication protocol, USB or CAN. These files will only run on firmware v3.9.0 or later and can not be opened with GUIDE.

GUIDE Projects (Save As)

Files created using GUIDE's "Save as" button will be saved as "" and contain all the images and directions specified in the project creation process in GUIDE. Where "name" is the name provided within GUIDE. This file type can not be used to update TE devices over flash drives or Live Update tools. This file is used to share the Project between computers running GUIDE. This file is intended to aid in collaboration during the project design stage and revision control.

Project Documentation

Files created using GUIDE's "Generate docs" button will be saved as pdf documents and contain summary information needed to integrate the TE into a Host controlled system. The document will note all touch zones, all events (tap/swipe/turn), value ranges, and value IDs.

Last modified: 26 February 2024