Touch Encoder Help

Utility App

The Utility App is on every Touch Encoder (TE). The Utility App's primary purposes are to aid in updating the device, providing general information, setting communication settings, and providing simple troubleshooting tools. There are currently two versions of the Utility App, which version is determined by the firmware.

Getting to the Utility App

The Utility App can be accessed by connecting the Mode pin (Pin 1) to Ground (Pin 3) during power-up. The state of the Mode pin is read during power-up so to get back to normal operation, simply disconnect the mode pin from ground and reboot the unit. The simplest way to access the Utility App is to use a programming cable, see the table below for cable part numbers. These cables short the Mode pin to ground, as long as these cables are plugged in the device will only operate in the Utility App. These are available through distributors like Digikey or Mouser. While Grayhill may carry stock of these cables distributors are the preferred source. Contact your Grayhill sales representative for additional information. For help identifying a TE device click here.

If it is necessary to fabricate or specify a cable that allows for the grounding of the mode pin to access the Utility App, see the relevant datasheet for the device pinout.



Part Number





Grayhill does not manufacture this cable. Distributors are the best options to purchase one


B or later


Release B Software Development Kits (SDKs) are currently in development and have an on board dip switch to toggle mode pin state.


B or later


Release B Software Development Kits (SDKs) are currently in development and have an on board dip switch to toggle mode pin state.



T18908 or T18912-2

Grayhill manufactures both cables. These PNs can also be used to update units via flash drive. T18912-X has exposed Mode/Ground pins so the device can be put into Run mode or Utility app.



T18908 or T18912-1

Grayhill manufactures both cables. T18908 PN can be used to update Release A/B units via flash drive but not Release C or later. T18912-X has exposed Mode/Ground pins so the device can be put into Run mode or Utility app.



This power cycles the unit. The device will boot into the appropriate mode (run mode or Utility App) per the status of the mode pin.


Allows access to the features and functions below.


Provides general information about the TE unit

  • Serial Number: This is the serial number of the microchip in the device. This is used by Grayhill to maintain traceability of components and test records.

  • TE-BL or BL: This is the Bootloader version that is currently running on the device

  • TE-FW or FW: This is the Firmware version that is currently running on the device

  • TE-CP or CP: This is the communication protocol being utilized by the device and baud rate, if applicable*

Devices that support both USB and CAN protocols (releases A and B) will always follow the selected protocol after updating to v3.9.0 or later. This means that in order to update a device that supports both USB and CAN with a flash drive, the communication protocol must be set to USB. After the update is complete the device will need to be set back to CAN, if needed. However, if the device is running firmware prior to v3.9.0 the device will always communicate over USB while in the Utility App, regardless of the communication protocol "set".

Starting with firmware v3.5.2.p10

  • BP: This is the Boot Partition that will be used the next time the unit is power cycled. The TE has 2 partitions whose primary function is to ensure the TE can always be booted into the Utility App in the event of a corrupted firmware/bootloader update. This is more useful to Grayhill for troubleshooting and does not impact functionality.

  • TE-CM: This is the Custom Module that is currently running on the device. This field will only be visible if a Custom Module is present. Custom Modules are only available from Grayhill and are the result of developing custom TE functionality.


Allows users to set the communication protocol to be used by the device.

  • NO COM: Turns off communication to and from the TE while in run mode/normal use.

  • USB HID: Sets the communication protocol to USB communication per the documentation here:

    • v3.0.4.p8: Document Archive

    • v3.5.2.p10: Contact Grayhill if needed (

    • v4.0.0 and later: Link

  • SAE J1939: Sets the communication protocol to J1939 CAN communication per the documentation here:

    • v3.0.4.p8: Document Archive

    • v3.5.2.p10: Contact Grayhill if needed (

    • v3.9.0 and later: Link

  • CAN Open: Sets the communication protocol to CAN Open

    • No documentation is available, this was Obsoleted after v3.0.4.p8. Contact your Grayhill representative for more information.


This allows the user to re-calibrate the TE's Hall Effect encoder. The initial encoder calibration is performed by Grayhill on the production line during the manufacture and testing of the product prior to shipment. Grayhill does not recommend using this function unless the encoder has stopped functioning. Following the steps below will re-write the factory-provided calibration file and the only way to recover the original file will be to return the unit to Grayhill.

  1. Click “save”

  2. Rotate the knob 1 position clockwise

  3. Click “save”

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the “save” button becomes a “reboot” button.

  5. Click reboot


This allows the user to clear the Storage and Configuration of the device. This function was initially available from firmware version v3.5.2.p10. It will not be visible if the device is running an earlier firmware version.

  • Clearing the Config will reset the device to its factory configuration settings.

    • For Projects running on the iPad app (TE-MX):

      • Source Address: 0xF2

      • Events Data Message: Events Only

      • Widget Data Message: Events Only

      • Communication Protocol: SAE J1939 @ 250k

        • If the USB version is Release "C" or later, the protocol will be USB HID

    • For Projects running on the PC app (GH GUIDE):

      • Source Address: 0xF2

      • Raw Events Message: On

      • Communication Protocol: SAE J1939 @ 250k

        • If the USB version is Release "C" or later, the protocol will be USB HID

  • Clearing the Storage will remove any project currently on the TE. If no new project is loaded after the "Storage" is cleared, the TE will default to the TE test project. This project consists of 4 arrow screens, each waiting for a swipe in the direction indicated, followed by a screen with an encoder-controlled value widget. The value ranges from 0 to 32 and changes based on the encoder knob position.

Save Log

This function, added in firmware version v3.9.0, allows Grayhill to export an error log when evaluating field failures. This option will not appear on devices running earlier firmware versions.


This function, also added in firmware version v3.9.0, runs a self-test project used by Grayhill during the production line testing process. This test ensures the unit's functionality within the production process. However, this project alone cannot verify that the unit is fully functional and meets all functional targets. It can quickly test the touchscreen responsiveness and communication with the Hall Effect encoder.

The project consists of 4 arrow screens, each awaiting a swipe in the indicated direction, followed by a screen with an encoder-controlled value widget. The value ranges from 0 to 32 and changes based on the encoder knob position.


This function enables users to update the Bootloader, Firmware, and Project via a USB drive. For complete instructions on how to perform these operations, see this link. This feature is not available on CAN version units starting with Release "C" as they do not support any form of USB communication. For more information, see this link.


This function allows the user to select a project file (.zip) from the connected flash drive and load it onto the device.


This menu provides access to the update functions below.


This function allows the user to select a bootloader file (both .tebl and .tebl.manifest must be on the USB drive) from the connected flash drive and load it onto the device. This function is available from firmware version v3.5.2.p10 and later. However, the introduction of the TE package (.tepkg) file type has made this function obsolete. For more information, see this link regarding file types.


This allows the user to select a firmware file (requires both .tefw and .tefw.manifest to be on the USB drive) from the mounted flash drive and load it onto the device. This function takes over the Bootloader update function on firmware v3.5.2.p10 and later as they support the te package (.tepkg) file type. This file type contains all files necessary to update firmware and bootloader together. See file types for more information.

Last modified: 26 February 2024